Zhytlo-Capital Financial Company |

Zhytlo-Capital Financial Company is presenting a fully legal and reliable tool to protect an investors rights and benefits: participating in a Construction Financing Fund (CFF).

We offer a financial tool, which enables simple and effective investment into real estate development. Its main advantage is transparency and comprehensiveness for investors, and reliability and positive reputation for the developer.

It is a widespread in Europe development financing model, which regulates all the interactions and legal relations of the Developer, an Investor and the Custodian of Construction Financing Fund. This model has been actively applied in Germany and Poland for over 30 years.
Main activities:
auditing the Developers permits and approvals;

opening and running Construction Development Funds;

financial and tax engineering;
facilitating bank loans to the developer and the investors, who purchase real estate;
regulating the relationship (Developer/Investor; Investor/New Investor; Developer/Bank; Investor/Bank) during the construction and after the commissioning.

Our principle is civilized partnership
and synergy for the future.

CFF becomes a financial bridge which attracts investments to the project, protects the investor and allows for tax planning.

Since 2008 Zhytlo-Capital FC has attracted investments for over 20 bln hryvnias and financed the commissioning of over 50 sites for the total area of 1.15 mln sq. m.

Partnership with a custodian company enables
full legality of cooperation, as the operations are regulated by specialized laws, the financial company has all the corresponding licenses and reports to the three regulators.

In 10 years Zhytlo-Capital FC became the biggest CFF custodian in Ukraine. Company performance is the best evidence for the successful application of Europeanexperience in our country.

Financial Company

Attracted investments for over 20 bln hryvnias
commissioning of over 50 sites
50 sites
for the total area of 1.16 mln sq. m.
Our partners |
If you are interested in becoming a partner,
please feel free to write us.
Zhytlo Capital | All right reserved | 2022

Legal address: Kyiv, 33-B, Yaroslaviv Val street
Actual address: Kyiv, 2-D, Protasiv Yar street, office 2